Introduced to the art of Bharatha Natyam at the age of eight while living in Zambia, Swetha joined the Lingalayam Dance Academy in 1996 when her family migrated to Australia. Both her Arangetram and initial season with the Lingalayam Dance Company occurred in 2003. From the early years, Swetha portrayed an intuitive ability to interact and be involved with her dancing, a skill her Guru horned and cultivated in giving her diverse roles to portray; that brought this talent to the forefront. Namely: in 2005 as the heroine in Shakuntala, as the haughty concubine in the 2006 version of Kuruntokai, and as the loved and rejected Sita, in the re-staging of Earth & Fire in 2007. One of the five dancers involved with coordinating and presenting Tarangini a concert for charity in 2006, Swetha has a devotional love and appreciation for the Indian classical arts and draws strength and pride from her rich cultural heritage. In 2011, Swetha performed in The Blue Divine collaboration with renowned Indian artists Anil Srinivasan (on piano) and Sikkil Gurucharan (carnatic vocalist) and in Dances of Divinity in 2015, the collaboration with Apsaras Arts Singapore. She continuous to be involved in teaching and training, the next generation of the Lingalayam dancers.